Price of Thai Rice Skyrocket due to Drought in Thailand, Buyers Lean to India

Price of Thai rice increased due to drought in Thailand. As a result buyers shifted to…

Middlemen Biggest Obstacle in Increasing Farmers Income

The biggest obstacle in increasing farmers income in India are the profiteering middlemen including commission agents,…

11,379 Farmers in India Committed Suicide in 2016: Data by NCRB

NCRB recently released a report on accidental deaths and suicides in 2016. The report confirmed 11,379…

Gross NPA of Agriculture Sector Crosses 1 Trillion Rupees in PSBs

Share of agriculture sector and allied activities in NPAs has surpassed 1 trillion Rupees in PSBs.…

Wheat, Bajra, Jowar, Barley and Maize Prices 20.07.2019

Farmers in India are opting for short duration crops such as Jowar and Maize due to…

Farmers in Dilemma: Climate Change, Delayed and Low Monsoon

Climate change is a reality and Indian farmers are facing a tough time dealing with it.…