Acknowledging the significance of MSMEs in India, government implemented Skill Upgradation and Development for Modern Marketing Techniques Scheme. Accordingly, this scheme promotes the adaptation of the ever-advancing modern techniques and skills as per global standards. In this regard, Government of India in collaboration with Ministry of MSME propose several other schemes.
Necessity for Skill Upgradation and Development for Modern Marketing Technique
Some of the most common problems of the MSME sectors include lack of information, the dearth of resources, inadequate knowledge, impromptu marketing, and disorderly selling. Additionally, they hinder these sectors from exploring new markets. Further on, it gradually leads to losing the existing markets. Subsequently, all these interlinking factors are significantly arising from the lack of marketing and skills. Thus, impending sale due to inadequate market knowledge along with buyers not aware of the products stumps the growth of the MSME sector. Hence, it is important to initiate a scheme encouraging the development of two chief factors including skills and marketing.
The Objective of the Scheme
Few salient goals that the scheme strives to attain are as follows:
- Providing training and workshop to enhance the skills of modern marketing techniques.
- Additionally, focus to spread awareness regarding modern marketing techniques like the internet, online marketing, email, websites, branding, etc.
- Further, designing and requirements-based training in clusters or product groups.
- Moreover, encourage potential employees to take up the skill upgradation training and adapt the techniques in real-time.
Agencies implementing Skill Upgradation/Development for Modern Marketing Technique
SSC under DC- MSME is in charge of the selection and approval of the MSME clusters and groups that undergo training. Also, the MSME Dis, Industries Associations, NGOs, and technical institutions will receive the proposals. Further, these proposals will be submitted for approval. Following the approval, institutes, institutions, and units like IITs, IIMs, Management Institutes working in the relevant fields will formulate the design and structure of the training.
Nature of Financial Assistance
The scheme offers financial aid for conducting specific skill development programs that facilitate the adaptation of modern techniques. That is Rs 6 lakhs per group or cluster. Further, the Government of India covers about 80% of the cost while the unit bears 20%. Consequently, the graph is gradually increasing from 0 units in 2009-10 to 10 in 2010-12.
Salient Features of the Scheme
- The selection of the competent agencies is by Open Expression of Interest while considering the guidelines of the scheme.
- The training should be over 50 days with more than 20 trainees.
- Additionally, the government will cover the rent, food, and necessities of the training.
- The EOI document will outline the design, allotment, and the funds.
- Subsequently, the Financial assistance will be issued in two installments.
- Following the approval, the Government releases the first 50% installment.
- Subsequently, after the complete contribution of the private unit and submission of the report, the government releases the remaining 50% of the assistance.
The agencies that are selected by the open EOI concerning the guidelines of the scheme. Because the focus is to improve the skills and marketing technology of the MSME sector. Therefore, units and agencies with the same intentions will be will eligible.
Applying for Skill Upgradation/Development for Modern Marketing Technique scheme
We can easily apply for assistance online by visiting the official MSME website. On the contrary, visiting the nearest MSME-DI office will be equally suitable.