NMCC has undertaken another task of Building awareness on Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs). The government implemented several awareness programs that stimulate the growth of the MSME sector. Further, to strengthen the expansion, the center aims to increase competitiveness between the clusters.
To monitor and enhance the same National Manufacturing Competitiveness Council (NMCC) was established. Accordingly, this knowledge may help the sector face challenges and how to protect their intellectual rights. The scheme is overseen by PMAC led by AS and DC-MSME.
- To provide awareness on Intellectual property rights.
- Assist in formulating measures to safeguard their ideas and business strategies.
- Initiating seminars, workshops, and training to improve the same.
- Compensation for enrollment under IP.
- To set up facilitation center across the country that aid in solving IP related problems.
- To ensure proper utilization of IPR tools.
- Encourage technology up-gradation and increase competitiveness.
Salient Features of the Awareness Program
- To conduct awareness programs in association with industrial organizations, institutions, and few participants.
- Conducted platforms namely: Primary school, secondary school, college and in industry.
- To inspire the growth of MSME these programs are economical and developed based on the Public-Private Partnership model.
- In case of implementing any of the initiatives, grants are provided. The amount varies depending on the initiative such as:
- Awareness programs on IPR– 1 lakh maximum grant.
- Initial studies for a cluster of MSME- 2.5 lakh maximum grant.
- Interactive seminars and workshops- 2 lakh maximum grant.
- Specialized Training- 6 and 45 lakh for short term and long term training respectively.
- Aiding in Patent or GI registration- 0.25, 2, and 1 lakh for domestic, foreign, and GI registration.
- Set up facilitation center- 65 lakh maximum grant.

5. The participant must contribute at least 10% of the financial assistance provided by Government of India. Accordingly, the total cost of the project is 55 crores, out of which Indian Government contributes 50 crores while private partners provide 5 crore.
Any MSME registered under Udyog Aadhar Memorandum is eligible to apply. UAM number is mandatory for enrollment under the scheme. Further, the initiatives implementing agency must abide by the guidelines of the scheme.
All the eligible candidates can apply by filling the form available clicking here. Provide all necessary information and submit relevant documents including:
- Proposal
- Utilization certificate from Chartered Accountant
- Statement of Account
- Original vouchers
- Report of the Resource Persons of the Programme
Intellectual Property Rights Forms Including: Pilot Studies, Seminar/Workshop/Conferences, Short or Long Term Training, Grant of Patent, GI Registration, Setting up IP facilitation Centre, Activities with International Agencies and Terms and Conditions.
Once submitted, the application will be analyzed and approved. If approved, funds will be released. On the contrary, on disapproval, the form will be passed to DC-MSME. Guiding the applicants along the procedure are MSME IPFCs, MSME development institutes, TCs and other related organizations.
Contact: Principle Director, MSME-TDC 14 (PPDC), Foundry Nagar, Agra-282006
MSME- development institutes (DC-MSME)
Email- info@ppdcagra.com
Achievements of Intellectual Property Rights
- Over 27 IPFCs sanctioned, 12 IPFCs started functioning.
- Over 110 awareness programs conducted with 30 workshops,12 short term training, and 6 Pilot studies.

One of the Instances is facilitating and aiding Dr. Pushpa Khanna, an Indian Scientist to attain patent for her invention of Gourdin. It is one of its kind supplements with no side effects. It has been commercialized in May 2000 and licensed all over the world. Moreover, establishing more IP facilitation centers emphasize the importance of IPRs.