FCI Punjab Office Sought Land Records Of Farmers

The FCI Punjab office requests Punjab farmers’ land records to make direct Minimum Support Price (MSP)…

Farmers’ Death Toll at Protest Site Reaches 58

Farmers protest update: Around 58 farmers lose their lives as the protest against farm laws enters…

Farmers Protest: MSP, APMcs, and Legit Farmers’ Demand

Farmers protest against the new farms laws continues. Farmers expect the government to fully accept their…

Farmers Rejects Govt’s Proposal, Continues Protest

While the center remains open for more discussions for amendments in-laws, farmers declare escalating the protest…

Farmer Unions to Meet Agriculture Minister Today

The protest against the new farm laws enters the fifth day, they threaten to block 5…

India’s Reducing Dependence on Punjab and Haryana for Food Security

Non-traditional states ramp up the production of rice and wheat. Can India reduce its dependence on…

Farmer Sues a Trader under New Farm Law and Gets Compensation

While farmers in Punjab are protesting against new farm laws, a farmer in Maharashtra gets compensation…

New Farm Laws: A Transitionary Move for Agriculture?

The central government has met with criticism over the farm laws from almost all states.Are these…

Indian Farmers Selling Groundnut Higher than MSP to Open Market Buyers

Despite heavy losses due to rain, groundnut output soars in Gujarat. Indian farmers selling groundnut higher…

Explained: How Does Punjab Procure More Paddy at MSP than it Produces?

Punjab purchases millions of tonnes of paddy from neighboring states. This is how Punjab is procuring…