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Four Symptoms Other than Cough and Fever that may Affect Before Testing Positive for Coronavirus

As COVID-19 surges at an alarming rate, more and more people are reporting unique symptoms of illness. Here are four signs of COVID-19 other than cough and fever that may manifest before testing positive for the virus.

Neurological Symptoms of COVID-19

The study conducted on 19 coronavirus patients at Northwestern University studied the occurrence of neurological signs before the appearance of any hallmark symptoms. It revealed that the patients complained of unexplained fatigue and other neurological symptoms before experiencing fever and scratchy throat.

Neurological Problems- A Symptom of COVID-19, says a Recent Study
Neurological Problems- A Symptom of COVID-19, says a Recent Study

Igor Koralnik, head of the study and professor of neurology at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine stated that it is essential for public and medical professionals to be aware of the fact that SARS-CoV-2 infection can be present before any respiratory problems occur. According to reports published in Annals of Neurology journal, there has been a rise in the number of patients experiencing neurological symptoms, including headaches, dizziness, strokes before having a fever or cough. Apart from this, some patients also complained of a decrease in alertness, difficulty in concentrating, and seizures.

India’s Current COVID Tally

The new cases in India are declining for the past few weeks. However, Kerala, Chhattisgarh, and Uttarakhand have witnessed a steep rise in new cases. Besides, the UK-based medical journal, The Lancet, questioned India’s quality of data and alerted it of showing more optimistic reports. Also, it warned India for digressing from scientific evidence related to coronavirus.

While the fatality toll in the country has reached 109348, total cases stand at 7133368 with 859903 active cases. State-wise, Maharashtra has the highest number of cases, followed by Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka. National Capital Delhi has the sixth-highest number of cases in the country.

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